EU misappropriation sanctions

Moncef Trabelsi

المنصف الطرابلسي Brother-in-law of the former Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, born in Tunis on 4 March 1944. Son of Saida Dherif, married to Yamina Souiei. He was a managing director and said to be residing in Radès Ben Arous. Jailed for fraud, Moncef died in custody due to a brain tumor on 4 …

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Vitalii Zakharchenko

Vitalii Zakharchenko

Zakharchenko was ousted from the office at the same time as Viktor Yanukovych, both facing charges of using violence against protesters in the February 2014 Euromaidan riots, which led to several deaths of protestors. He was last seen in Russia in April 2014 during a joint press conference with Viktor Yanukovych and former prosecutor-general Viktor …

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Serhiy Kurchenko

Сергій Віталійович Курченко Dubbed as the ‘billionaire from nowhere, ‘wizard of gas’, or ‘Yanukovych’s wallet’, young entrepreneur Kurchenko managed to acquire a fortune in a very short amount of time in the gas business. Kurchenko was the head of “The VETEK Group of Companies”, which later included the UMH group and which controlled 50 Ukrainian …

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Leila Trabelsi

ليلى الطرابلسي Leila Trabelsi was born in 1957. Before marrying Ben Ali in 1992, she worked as a hairdresser. She is alleged to have taken away 1.5 tonnes of the central bank’s gold worth approximately US $50 million when fleeing Tunisia with her family. Leila Trabelsi, her husband Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, and their …

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